Works great and looks even better doing it.

Notifications and fully customizable quality profiles.

Multiple Movie views.

Frequent updates. See what's new without leaving the comfort of the app.


Lidarr is a music collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new albums from your favorite artists and will interface with clients and indexers to grab, sort, and rename them. It can also be configured to automatically upgrade the quality of existing files in the library when a better quality format becomes available.



See all your upcoming albums in one convenient location.

Manual Search

Find all the releases, choose the one you want, and send it right to your download client.

Metadata Writing

Metadata tags a mess? No problem. Lidarr will whip your current library into shape and ensure any new music is tagged correctly and uniformly.

Import Lists

Follow your favorite artists or top 20 albums using import lists. Lists can be used from supported services like Last.FM and Headphones.



Please see our Servarr Wiki for installation instructions. Link

Lidarr v0.8 migration

Lidarr v1 will convert any existing v0.8 directory automatically on startup.
Manual Install

It is possible to install Lidarr manually using the x64 .zip download. However in that case you must manually deal with dependencies, installation and permissions.


The Arch Linux User Repository offers a lidarr package that can be installed manually or using your favorite AUR helper.

Lidarr v0.8 migration

The existing lidarr AUR packages already used /var/lib/lidarr to store the Lidarr database. Lidarr v1 will convert that directory automatically on startup.
1 Install Lidarr

An aur helper can install lidarr and its dependencies easily, or follow the AUR Installing Packages wiki for manual installation.

For example, to use yay to install the lidarr package:

yay -S lidarr

2 Start Lidarr
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable --now lidarr
3 View Lidarr

Browse to http://localhost:8686 to start using Lidarr.

(Replace 'localhost' with your server IP if you're connecting remotely)
Manual Install

It is possible to install Lidarr manually from upstream using the .tar.gz download. However in that case you must manually deal with dependencies, installation and permissions.

Docker container

You can follow the Docker guide to install Lidarr as a Docker container instead.


Please see our Servarr Wiki for installation instructions. Link

Lidarr v0.8 migration

Lidarr v1 will convert any existing v0.8 directory automatically on startup.
Please contact us if you wish to port Lidarr for any other distribution that the ones already listed.

Generic .tar.gz downloads are available for linux, but dependencies, installation and permissions will need to be done manually.


The easiest way to install Lidarr on macOS is to use the App archive with the steps described below.

Lidarr v0.8 migration

The Lidarr v1 package will attempt to automatically migrate an existing Lidarr v0.8 database. Lidarr v0.2 used the user's home directory ~/.config/Lidarr to store the application data which v1 also uses.
1 Download App package
2 Install App

Open the archive and drag the Lidarr icon to your Application folder.

Lidarr v1 is not compatible with OSX versions < 10.13 (High Sierra) due to netcore incompatibilities.
3 Start Lidarr

Open in your Application folder.

4 View Lidarr

Browse to http://localhost:8686 to start using Lidarr.

Manual Install

It is possible to install Lidarr manually using the Intel .tar.gz download or Arm .tar.gz download. However in that case you must manually deal with dependencies, installation and permissions.

Docker container

You can follow the Docker guide to install Lidarr as a Docker container instead.

A NAS package and installation instructions are provided by SynoCommunity at: Please note that the SynoCommunity typically has signifcant lag in providing updated packages, thus you may want to check out Docker.
Please contact us if you wish to port Lidarr for any other nas that the ones already listed.

A generic download is available for linux, but dependencies, installation, and permissions will need to be done manually.

Download Linux .tar.gz

The Lidarr team does not offer an official Docker image. However, a number of third parties have created and maintain their own.
These instructions provide generic guidance that should apply to any Lidarr Docker image.

Lidarr v0.8 migration

Most docker containers use /config volume to mount the data directory and supply that path to Lidarr as parameter. Lidarr v1 will convert the given directory on startup if a Lidarr v0.8 database is found.
1 Avoid common pitfalls
Volumes and Paths

There are two common problems with Docker volumes: Paths that differ between the Lidarr and download client container and paths that prevent fast moves and hard links.
The first is a problem because the download client will report a download's path as /torrents/My.Music.2018/, but in the Lidarr container that might be at /downloads/My.Music.2018/. The second is a performance issue and causes problems for seeding torrents. Both problems can be solved with well planned, consistent paths.

Most Docker images suggest paths like /musics and /downloads. This causes slow moves and doesn't allow hard links because they are considered two different file systems inside the container. Some also recommend paths for the download client container that are different from the Lidarr container, like /torrents.
The best solution is to use a single, common volume inside the containers, such as /data. Your Musics would be in /data/Musics, torrents in /data/downloads/torrents and/or usenet downloads in /data/downloads/usenet.

If this advice is not followed, you may have to configure a Remote Path Mapping in the Lidarr web UI (Settings › Download Clients).

Ownership and Permissions

Permissions and ownership of files is one of the most common problems for Lidarr users, both inside and outside Docker. Most images have environment variables that can be used to override the default user, group and umask, you should decide this before setting up all of your containers. The recommendation is to use a common group for all related containers so that each container can use the shared group permissions to read and write files on the mounted volumes.
Keep in mind that Lidarr will need read and write to the download folders as well as the final folders.

For a more detailed explanation of these issues, see The Best Docker Setup and Docker Guide wiki article.

2 Install Lidarr

To install and use these Docker images, you'll need to keep the above in mind while following their documentation. There are many ways to manage Docker images and containers too, so installation and maintenance of them will depend on the route you choose.

  • hotio/lidarr:release

    hotio doesn't specify any default volumes, besides /config. Images are automatically updated multiple times in an hour if upstream changes are found. Hotio also builds our Pull Requests which may be useful for testing. Read the instructions on how to install the image.

  • is one of the most prolific and popular Docker image maintainers. They also maintain images for most of the popular download clients as well. LinuxServer specifies a couple of optional default volumes such as /musics and /downloads. The default volumes are not optimal nor recommended. Our recommendation is to use a single volume for the data, as mentioned above.


The Lidarr team provides builds for BSD and the BSD Community creates the Port.
Please see our Servarr Wiki for installation instructions. Link

Please contact us if you wish to port Lidarr for any other platform that the ones already listed.
